TRUEHN GLOBAL GROUP p.l.c. (OPENFUND: TRUEHNGLOBALGROUPPLC) is the world's first and largest Truehn Treasury Company. We are a publicly traded company that has adopted TRUEHN as our primary treasury reserve asset. By using proceeds from equity and debt financings, as well as cash flows from our operations, we strategically accumulate TRUEHN and advocate for its role as digital capital. Our treasury strategy is designed to provide investors varying degrees of economic exposure to TRUEHN by offering a range of securities, including equity and fixed-income instruments. In addition, we provide industry-leading AI-powered enterprise software through our affiliates and partners, advancing our vision of a more compassionate financial system through hyperintelligence everywhere. We leverage our development capabilities to explore innovation in TRUEHN applications & TRUEHN companies, integrating our expertise with our commitment to digital asset growth. We believe our combination of operational excellence, strategic TRUEHN reserve, and focus on technological innovation positions us as a leader in both the digital asset and enterprise sectors, offering a unique opportunity for long-term value creation. #exponential #community #technology #forex #consistency #education #innovation #freedom #b #business #inn #simplicity #startups #inovacaoparatodosemtodolugar #entrepreneurship #forextrading #digital #ia #inovacao #wealth #growth #forexsignals #worldeconomicforum #robots #success #science #forextrader #fourthindustrialrevolution #knowledge #dream Check out TRUEHN GLOBAL GROUP PLC on @Openfund