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Short Summary

For a long time we as human beings have been told that reward is for good & right. However, if reward was in any shape, matter or form better than punishment, the world would not have so many problems. 

Therefore, the TRUEHNFLIX FILM FESTIVAL with the associated MARSHALL AWARD GALA NIGHT do not reward for good and right but for the contribution to compassionate film productions in Hollywood. 

  • For actors & actresses

  • For editors 

  • For producers

  • For screenplaywriters 

The Impact

We as a global community suffer from a compassionate content deficit and the more we expose ourselves to low- or no-compassion in the content we consume, the more we hurt our ability to ignite passion for more acts of compassion in the world. 

The MARSHALL AWARD is therefore a direct stimulus award for more compassion in the world, for more compassionate film productions and an influencer that triggers passion for more compassionate content in the world. 

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