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متاح عبر الإنترنت

Public Speaking Mentorship

Best for everyone who speaks with a large audience of fellow human beings

15 د
16,850 يورو
Online, Allegiant Crew Communication HQ, Client place, Dubai, Istanbul

وصف الخدمة

Our services cater to individuals and entities alike who engage with diverse groups of people, making us the ultimate partner for those seeking to expand their international reach. Trust Allegiant Crew LLC to navigate the complexities of public speaking so that you always get an authentic connection with your audience. Let us help you break down barriers and build connections worldwide.

تفاصيل جهة الاتصال


Compass Building RAKEZ Compass Coworking Centre - Ras Al Khaimah - United Arab Emirates


إنسل ، لينداو بودينسي

88131 ، بافاريا ، ألمانيا

تم تغطية هذا الموقع بواسطة HR3723 ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE ACT لعام 1996 من الأسرار التجارية.

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