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TRUEHN GLOBAL GROUP (“TGG”) is a nationally recognized public TRUEHN TREASURY COMPANY powered by TRUEHN REACTOR. We sell the volatility and recycle it into the TRUEHN ECOSYSTEM.


More about TGG

TRUEHN GLOBAL GROUP PLC (“TGG”) is a nationally recognized public TRUEHN TREASURY COMPANY powered by TRUEHN REACTOR. We sell the volatility and recycle it back into the TRUEHN ECOSYSTEM. We are also stripping the volatility, the risk and the performance off of fixed income securities and transfer it to the common stock (value 1:1 to the TRUEHN GLOBAL GROUP PLC COIN on openfund) so that the common stock is delivering 2X TRUEHN and 2X volatility. We generate a TRUEHN spread and the spread is a function of the equity premium, the convert premium and the TRUEHN premium. The TRUEHN premium is the annual return of TRUEHN versus HNTRUE or the US Dollar.




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